Hello friends of the stateless internet — sorry, I didn’t have time to write the usual newsletter this week. But DON’T EVEN WORRY, there’s still content for you to consume.
Nerdnite have asked me to do a talk about the metaverse in October. I said yes, because I want nothing more than to tell as many people as possible what I think about it.
As a special treat for you (and to practice talking out loud in a coherent way) I recorded a small preview of the talk. Watch it and ‘learn’ things that you probably already knew (it’s 4mins long). I wish I could directly embed the video but Substack doesn’t have the functionality yet and I’m not about to start a youtube channel just for this.
The night is happening in London on the 19th of October. I have no idea what the audience will be like, and I’m not the most confident public speaker so please come and give me a warm friendly wave if you’re around. :)
☝️Oh and here’s another thing
Recently someone outside of tech asked me about what I do, and for once I gave an answer that was more than just ‘I complain about technology constantly’. It got me thinking about why I am critical of nearly the entire sector — I unpacked these thoughts into the below tweet thread.

If you’re new here, and would like to look at something more representative of Horrific/Terrific, please try these:
Thank you for reading, see you next week!